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What is validation in simple terms and what is its role

All our purchases go through a kind of evaluation sieve: fits-doesn’t fit, likes-d likes. What brought joy to one may cause d appointment to others, as it did not meet expectations. Th approach typical for any objects/purchases, in various fields, including IT. For example, you went to an online store, but could not buy the product, because something went wrong – the resource did not pass the test, you went to look for a suitable option.

Th how the thought comes unnotic that the term

Validation” not difficult to understand, although female number data we often operate with simpler categories, the meaning does not change. What validation Validation a check of a product for compliance with the expectations and requirements of a client or buyer.

special data

The object of verification may be manufactur products, software, or a range of servic es

Not to be confus with verification, where the main goal of the proc ure to confirm. The authenticity of a product, subscriber, etc. In simple terms, validation keyword clustering in a confirmation that certain goods/services not only meet. The specifi technical parameters and description, but also function correctly in real life. As for the IT niche, codes and layout are subject to verification for compliance with the requirements of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the correctness of creation. Problems that are not identifi in time and not correct can lead to a failure in the operation of the site.

Role and functions of the validator In website development

HTML code validity control plays a major role. In th area, the HTML validator (the most preferr service among developers) of great importance. With the help of which errors in the code are quickly identifi and correct . To perform the check, you buying house b can use one of three simple methods: insert HTML code, upload a web document, specify the resource URL. Using a validator will save your web project from errors that can negatively affect relations with users, search engines, and various browsers.

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