Home » The validator identifies 2 types of problems:

The validator identifies 2 types of problems:

Warning. Includes errors that may not cause a failure in operation, but indicate that there are d crepancies with the Consortium specifications. Correction of the identifi problems will positively affect the optimization of the project. Errors. Serious defects that can lead to a d tort d play of the site, making the resource pages inaccessible to users. The role and functions of the validator. Image by pik uperstar on Freepik. it necessary to check the validity of the code? Such artificial languages ​​as CSS, XML serve as a means of communication between a person and a computer, and interact during the development of a project.

In order for all parties involv in the process

To better understand each other, it necessary to establ h common rules. In th case, validation necessary for simple reasons: Determining gambling number data the viewability of a web resource on various devices, according to W3C standards. Striving for simplicity in the development of the site by different special ts, ease of technical support. Maintaining loading spe . Compliance with generally accept requirements r uces the r k of using unnecessary tags, symbols.

special data

Successful ranking

Code that has pass validation welcom by search engines, has a positive effect on business. Code Validation Stages There are several tools on visits and hits represent user that developers use for validation. HTML Validation The first step to control the code responsible for the correct. Placement of a resource on the Internet to establ h its compliance with the Consortium standards. The absence of such a proc ure increases the r k that the project will not be view correctly in all browsers.

Previously, we indicat ways in which you can check HTML validation

CSS Validation The next step to monitor buying house b the application of styles, which affects the correct d play of the site components. To check CSS, a corresponding validator (for example, the CSS Validation service) us , orient towards W3C requirements.

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