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Varlakova about the crisis in relations

That is what makes our jewelry valuable,” Marina is sure. How SelSovet Works a Chelyabinsk Brand with “Soviet” Sweaters and Film Collabs September 19, 2024 SelSovet is a clothing brand found in Chelyabinsk in 2017, but it only really took off four years later.

Their sweaters with the inscription “USSR”

Conquer the recommendations of social networks, as well as celebrities and influencers from all over the world. But this success was prec by a large-scale rebranding, and in 2023, the owner was completely overtaken by a dopamine business pit – burnout and a desire to sell the brand. We talk with the brand owner.

Ekaterina  with a favorite business

A nostalgic concept and the advantages of outsourcing. Masha Kokourova Masters Text: Masha Kokourova How and when did you come up with the idea to create a clothing brand? I must have had the idea a long time ago, because I accidentally business owner database found out that I had written down this dream back in 2008.


special data


In general, the brand open in 2017 on

A very small scale Before that, I work for many years at Kira Plastinina, also in the fashion industry, where I rose to the position of regional manager and work in Moscow. How long did it take you to find the concept of your brand? And why the emphasis upscale images with your facility on nostalgia? We have chang our development strategy many times. Five years ago, SelSovet look completely different from what it does now, and the name was different Katty Varli.

We chang our name

I think, only in 2020 precisely because the first name did not fit the philosophy and DNA of the brand. This nostalgic philosophy, Soviet, so to speak, chic in a modern interpretation where does it come from? I love watching Soviet films and, in general, I am probably an admirer of that time, the people of that era, so to speak. For me, it’s more about a usa data multinational country with its own culture. Whatever it is, it’s ours.

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