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To do th : It necessary to open the above mention site

Enter the address of the project you want to check; Click on “Check. After some time, the result will appear. If errors are detect , we work on correcting them, and start the proc ure again. As a fallback option for interacting with the validator, you can skip entering the URL and directly upload the file to be check . Link validation Identifying broken links important for several reasons: Most likely, a non-working link will provoke users to leave for competitors’ sites.

Of course, you can provide

The 404 page with advert ing, a call to take chinese in europe part in the promotion, but the situation will not improve much. Search engine bots do not like to deal with such links, so they lower the ratings of sites. In other words, the loss of good positions in the search results will lead to a decrease in v itors to the project, a drop in income.

special data

The presence of damag links can be identifi by special services

Such as Google Analytics. Then you can fix the links, use r irection. Adaptability Validation Most users prefer to use smartphones to access the Internet. Th means that web project developers are recommend to pay attention to the adaptive to be easy for users to version and do proper layout already at the first stages of work on projects. Then testing carri out: manually, using specializ services. The purpose of validation to see how the site looks in the mobile version in different browsers, whether it convenient to use.

Checking code syntax Although there are specializ services in nature that evaluate

The quality of codes, some problems buying house b ar e due to the priority attitude to productivity, project performance. Code development software application, itors often do not take into account syntactic errors. To monitor the syntax of program code, extensions and online services are us . Conclusion To sum it up, we can say that the choice of CRM made according to certain criteria, only after defining the tasks, the main character tics of the software, the methods of data processing, and specialization.

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