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The project group on

These were very wild, even a little primitive, but very authentic decorations. They add unusualness, dissimilarity to the image, and were perceiv not just as decorations, but as a kind of talisman,” says Marina. Gradually, Soma switch to semi-precious and unprocess stones of natural forms.

Quartz and amethyst But they

Did not forget about pebbles, although, as the girl admits, by that time they had already fallen in love with the world of minerals. The raw materials were bought at thematic exhibitions in St. Petersburg: for example, at the “World of Stones”. For 400 grams of unprocess material they had to pay around 20 thousand rubles.

The guys also us online platforms like the

“Fair of Masters”. Friends also help: for example, one of the friends brought Ukrainian stones for a long time. Promotion in social networks The first year,  VK was actively growing: entrepreneurs invest in advertising, collaborat with bloggers, and held band database contests. “In my opinion, well-tun contextual advertising work best, which one of our friends help us figure out,” Marina shares.


special data


By the end of 2015, “Soma” had about 1,500 subscribers

Orders came in about once every three days, but the volumes increas significantly during the holidays. By this time, Marina and Daniil had left their main jobs: the average price of jewelry was then around 1,500 rubles. Around the same time, the couple this is our domain address began participating in offline markets in St. Petersburg, and this became another powerful impetus for the development of Soma.

The project stood out from other

Market participants not only with its unusual decorations, but also with the design of the stand itself. “We brought some old things, iron boxes, snags, all of this was illuminat and attract a lot of attention,” the girl recalls. Many people subscrib to the VK group usa data after the markets, and the amount sold greatly exce the online figures.

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