Home » The Picture of Dorian Gray on stage at the Centre

The Picture of Dorian Gray on stage at the Centre

Porto Seguro – Bahia – Brazil (From Midia Mutá) – From September 1st to 4th, the Porto Seguro Cultural Center was the stage for the famous theater show “Portrait of Dorian Gray”.

Theater producer Adriano Cutrim

Through the campaign “Go to the colombia phone number library theater and take me with you”, brought to Porto Seguro the show that will remain in the history of the city. The cast was represented by professional actors Roberto Cordovani, Bruno Portela, Rámon Cabrer and Cristina Collazo, from the Compagnia de Arte Livre of Vigo Galiza. Lighting and sound effects by Erin Equisdé, guests of La Torre Resort, which supports the cultural initiative.

In four days of presentation

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the show gave the audience a lot of emotion, tension and suspense. Dorian Gray, the character played by the protagonist Cordovani, was an English Lord, a very rich man who, seeing his face so perfect painted in a painting, felt envious of the beauty of the painting that would be preserved forever. At that point, Gray clearly shouted that he would give even his soul in exchange for beauty and eternal youth. Deal done! The devil accepted! Dorian never aged again.

His orgie drunkenness and

even murders destroyed the painting, which became his soul, aging in his place, but Gray physically did not feel the effects of time

The years passed so, after talking to a few web development companies and he, increasingly tormented, no longer felt interest in life. For years and years he experimented with all the pleasures that the body and money could give him. A story written by Oscar Wilde, which still amazes the audience in the stalls

We have an immense satisfaction in

supporting culture in Porto Seguro, because we know that cultural wealth is very important for a city, we have been supporting the campaign “Go to the Theater and Take Me with You” since we were called by Adriano Cutrim, and it has been two years now”, commented the Commercial Manager of La Torre Resort, Alessandra Quaresma.

Jerusa Brandão/Mídia Mutá

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Category: Culture, Entertainment, Tourism
Tags: Brazil, Entertainment, Cultural tourism
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