They evaluate the situation based on facts and want to find the best solution. This is the most productive role for any employee. The Child Role. Psychologist Eric Berne characterizes this role in his book as more emotional and sometimes irrational behavior. It does not matter how old a person is — people of any age can take on the role of a child.
A person who plays the Child role often
Shows indignation, is capricious, and avoids responsibility. Example from the production environment Let’s imagine a situation in which a manager constantly complains about minor mistakes of his team and does not give them a chance to correct themselves. Outwardly, it seems that he interacts with them as an Adult, since he expects professionalism.
However, in his book
Berne writes that such behavior reflects the role of a Parent who strictly controls other people. This forces employees to enter the role of a Child. In such a game, the new zealand phone number library solution is for all people to move to the Adult position. The leader needs to: Stop over-controlling the entire process. Start trusting your employees. Give the team the opportunity to independently resolve issues that arise and learn from their own mistakes.
In his book, Eric Berne emphasizes
That awareness of one’s own actions and reactions, as well as understanding the motivations of other people, helps to break out of destructive patterns of behavior. The thus avoiding data duplication book “Games People Play” offers methods for recognizing and stopping participation in destructive human games. This is especially important in the work environment, where effective collaboration and professional communication are key elements of teamwork.
Let’s look at the most common
Games based on the theory of transactional analysis from Eric cg leads Berne’s book. Let’s figure out what rules will help you get out of them. “Now you’re caught” From Berne’s book, the first popular social game is “Now you’re caught.” It is often found in the work environment. This game involves two people, one of whom plays the role of Parent, the other – Child. The Parent constantly monitors the Child’s actions. He waits for the moment when the latter makes a mistake. As soon as the mistake is made, the people who play the role of the Parent release all their accumulated negative emotions.