Home » The Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

The Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

Gone are the days when mainstream and print media were your best advertising channels. Today, there are many other options available thanks to advancements in technology. Access to the internet and social media is one of the major contributors to modern marketing strategies. Smartphones have also played a key role, with internet marketers trying to harness the power of mobile usage.

However, even if you have all the options available to you, it can still be difficult to find the best plan. Keep in mind that not all digital marketing strategies will be suitable for your business, especially if your brand image is at stake. That’s why hiring a digital marketing consultant is so important for small businesses. This professional will help you make the right decisions and choose a good marketing plan.

That said, it’s a good idea to come up with a list of suggested marketing strategies before consulting an expert. So, which ones are your best options?

Mobile Marketing

Smartphone usage has grown significantly over the past benin phone number library decade. According to Statista, there are now over 6.9 billion smartphone subscriptions, indicating a global penetration rate of 78%. Feature phones are also still widely used, with over 90% of the global population owning either device.

The above figures explain why most companies today are investing in mobile marketing. Simply put, this strategy refers to any advertising campaign that involves the use of mobile phones. As a marketer, you can send promotional messages through the following channels:

  • SMS text messages
  • Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
  • Mobile app push notifications
  • In-game or in-app advertising

phone number library

Mobile Site

Why is this the perfect digital marketing strategy for ready and renewed: explore the new wati experience small businesses? For one thing, it’s the best opportunity to reach a wider audience given the number of users. Whether it’s through SMS or push notifications, you can reach billions of people in a matter of seconds. You don’t need any technical skills to do this; just compose your message, select your contacts, and send.

It’s also worth noting that SMS marketing in particular has snbd host one of the highest open rates. Recent statistics show that 98% of people open text messages. This means that if you send 100 SMS messages, at least 98 of them will be read. This can be attributed to the fact that most users carry their gadgets with them and check them frequently.

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