Home » SEO News: February 2022

SEO News: February 2022

A lot happened in the second month of 2022. The field of search engine optimization is no exception. And although today we mainly follow slightly different news, you definitely shouldn’t miss the February ones from the world of SEO either. Here they are.

In the article you will find:

News at Google
News at Bing
News at Collabi
Other news
News at Google
Google does not give equal importance to all links
Google employee John Mueller confirmed in a regular broadcast on the Google Search Central YouTube channel that the search engine does not perceive all links equally, and some are of full value to it, while others are only partial.

Source: Seroundtable

Using emoticons in meta moves doesn’t matter
You may have noticed that lately emoticons are sometimes appearing not only in text messages, but in headlines and meta descriptions of pages. Google allows their use, but John Mueller admitted that they play no role. So smileys won’t hurt or help you in terms of SEO. The singapore whatsapp number data y will have a purely design effect (if they are displayed at all, which is not certain) – they may attract some and attract them to click, while others may discourage them.

Source: SearchEngineJournal

3 criteria for (not) displaying the FAQ on the search results page

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John Mueller said a lot of interesting things during the SEO  the origins of wagyu beef office-hour hangout. The third news is also from this interview, during which he revealed the 3 most common reasons why extended FAQ (frequently asked questions) results are not displayed on the search results page for  material data some websites. For this it is necessary that:

FAQ schema markup has been successfully implemented on the site.
Structured data markup met Google’s terms .
Google has evaluated the given website as so trustworthy that it will also display so-called rich results for it.
Source: SearchEngineJournal

There is no way to prevent Google from editing the headlines in the SERP

But you supply us, Mr. Mueller! Our main source of information today and a favorite Googler has announced (albeit via a tweet this time) that there is no way to prevent a search engine from modifying the appearance of SERP headlines as it pleases. This happens quite often – and without the site operators’ knowledge – but unfortunately you can’t do anything about it. Neither you nor your lawyers.

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