It may well happen that you will work together again. How to act “proactively” It is better not to wait until valuable employees start thinking about leaving. You can create such working conditions that people themselves will not want to leave, and if difficulties arise, they will openly tell you about it. Here is what will help with this: Implement working feback In some companies, feback from employees is collect very formally, “for show”, for example, through a website.
Managers receive comments from their team
But do nothing with this information – it goes “into the drawer”. It is better not to turn this process into meaningless bureaucracy, but to use feback from nigeria phone number library colleagues for the benefit of the business. After all, most problems can be solv with a little effort. This way, negativity will not accumulate, and employees will understand that the company cares about them. Develop a truly working system of general feback.
It can be implement in different forms
For example, create a separate chat in a corporate messenger and how a showroom of local projects ask colleagues to write there about all the difficulties that arise. Discuss the rules for filing requests in advance and solve emerging problems together with the team. Allow malaysia data remote work A Harvard Business Review study found that 81% of employees would not want to return to the office after working remotely during the pandemic. Another HBR survey found that forcing staff back into the office is having a negative impact on overall business profits.
For Generation Z, that is
People born between 1995 and 2009, the ability to work remotely is one of the decisive factors when choosing a company. Allow employees to determine their own work schule if the business format allows it. Of course, the main thing is to ensure that tasks are complet efficiently and on time. It is worth looking for compromise solutions. For example, an employee from the telephone sales department who lives in the suburbs can be offer to work remotely 2-3 days a week.