Home » Molecular cuisine: Between the stoves as in

Molecular cuisine: Between the stoves as in

Science and cooking: two concepts that may seem at odds, but that have recently found a meeting point.

It all happened when, in the early nineties, physicists Hervé This and Pierre Gilles de Gennes undertook studies on the transformations that affect foods during their preparation. The name comes from the scientific discipline that was attracting particular interest in those years: molecular biology.

In Italy, the promoter of this new

Culinary trend is another chile phone number library physicist, Professor Davide Cassi who, together with the famous international chef Ettore Borchia, has drawn up the manifesto of molecular cuisine. Among the most important points we find the obligation not to “destroy” the Italian gastronomic tradition with new inventions.

but rather to expand and enrich it

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Starting, therefore, from the classic cooking methods, this new discipline is intent on creating new flavors and improving dishes especially from a nutritional point of view based on the assumption that the possibilities of combining and preparing foods are much greater than those we commonly know.


Cooking often takes full advantage of the thermodynamic properties of some commonly used ingredients. In the “ideal” menu, we finding, retaining and growing customers find egg curd prepared using 95° alcohol and, of course, the egg as an appetizer. The secret lies in the alcohol’s ability to freeze proteins, allowing us to enjoy a simple egg presented as if it were “hard-boiled” but with all the properties, flavor and lightness of raw food. The first is given by “molecular” gnocchi produced simply by dissolving potato starch in water and salt with the help of cooking over a flame, maintaining the consistency and flavor of the traditional recipe.

Then there is the example

Of fried fish in sugar. The result is much less sweet thanks to the use of leek leaves to wrap the fillet, which avoid contact with the sugary substance.
The result is perfectly cooked meat without losing a gram of liquid or steam, thus having an exceptionally intact product. Another example of how innovative and ingenious molecular cuisine is is given by instant ice cream produced with liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196°C. The novelty lies in the fact that by not perceiving the usual sensation of cold when eating it, you can fully savor its flavor teaspoon after teaspoon.

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Tags : Curiosities, recipes
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