It may turn out that the buyer is not ready for a personal visit or that it would be more acceptable for him if the seller sends information by mail and arranges a visit in advance by phone. Therefore, the salesperson must first of all develop proper telephone communication skills. Some salespeople are so good on the phone that they can close many deals without even visiting the customer.
In fact, companies are now more inclin
To set up telemarketing groups to reach out to potential, especially smaller, customers to ruce sales costs. In the age of electronics, it is becoming female number data less and less necessary for salespeople to meet potential buyers in offices. Cameras are install on computers. A salesperson can hold a video conference with buyers and his colleagues, seeing each other on screens. The seller can display the products on screen or fax samples to the buyer.
Computer literate salespeople will replace traveling salespeople
Computers also ruce other costs ne to support salespeople. In the future, most salespeople will work from home. They will become experts in computers, telephones, e-mail and fax machines, gather information and communicate on the keyword clustering in Internet. Companies ne employees who know how to use cheaper communication and information channels, successfully sell their products and maintain relationships with customers. One of the most important jobs that a computer can do well is managing a database of potential and existing customers.
For marketers and salespeople
The computer offers a huge advantage by buying house b allowing them to gather a wealth of facts about potential and existing customers. The computer revolutioniz the sales process. Now sellers, having agre with the buyer on existing matters, can simply prepare and print an individual contract in the buyer’s office, which only nes to be sign, so the status of the potential buyer changes fundamentally – he becomes the buyer who sign the first contract.