How to do simple keyword analysis

In this article I would like to introduce you how to do  a simple keyword analysis . You will learn what  keyword analysis  is, why you should be interest in it and how to do it. Finally, I will give you tips on tools that will make your work easier if you decide to do the analysis yourself.

What is keyword analysis?

If you are starting any web project, the goal of which qatar whatsapp number data  is  to attract traffic from search engines , you should not skip keyword analysis. The more extensive and competitive the topic you are trying to cover with your project, the more time your keyword analysis will take. Keyword analysis is one of the most us documents that will accompany you throughout the website’s life cycle. It further depends on, for example, modifications on the pages, targeting of backlinks, content creation and other things.

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Of course, it is most advantageous for you if you process the analysis before you start the project itself. However, if your project is already running and you have never dealt with analysis, it is always a good idea to supplement it. You’ll figure out what keywords your site is showing up for, or determine what phrases it should be showing up for, and start working on fixing it.

Keyword analysis is a document in which you have record the largest possible number of interesting keywords and connections for which you want your pages to rank in the search results. Keyword analysis can be simple if it is an analysis for a smaller page, a microsite, or just for a specific subpage or article. However, there are also extensive analyzes containing thousands of keywords. How to process and create comprehensive classification analyzes was excellently describ by Marek Pro it also takes into account quarterly and semi-annual op in  his article on classification analysis .

First of all, it should help you to orient yourself in your to material data pic. According to it, you can get a glimpse of the level of competition, you can use it to create a clear website structure, you can determine which pages will be display for specific keywords, and last but not least, you will get a lot of valuable ideas for creating the content itself.

What can keyword analysis be us for?

But it would be wrong to think that keyword analysis. Yis some kind of “salvation” and that thanks to it you will suddenly start ranking in. Tthe first positions on your chosen phrases. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. When creating content, it is only a good guide in which direction you should build your content. How attractive your website will be for visitors depends not only. Ton correctly chosen keywords, but also on many other factors.

6 stages of creating a simple keyword analysis


For this purpose, I will create an analysis for a website about Croatian islands.

1)  Get information about the topic
In the coming weeks, we would like to include information. Yon all Croatian islands larger than 1 km² on the website. First of all, it is necessary to get a list of all Croatian islands. Use Google and Seznam search engines and enter your topic keywords.  I found the most comprehensive  list of all 79 islands on the English Wikipia.

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