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Focus on Recovery Emails

Did you know that almost 70% of users abandon their cart before completing the purchase? Yes, that’s a lot, but the good news is that these people are very close to the end of the conversion funnel , so there’s a very high chance that you’ll win them back when you send them a follow-up email .

There are many eCommerce stores that face the same problem, is this your case? Don’t despair, the solution is easier than you imagine. To reverse cart abandonment and get your buyers to come back, you have to s updated 2024 mobile phone number library chedule Emails that are sent automatically between 12 and 24 hours after the abandonment .

#DopplerTip : Include images of the products that users have added to their cart, offer them a discount and add a strong call to action to get them to resume their purchase.

Learn about Spam

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Knowing how Anti Spam filters work will allow you to understand how to keep your emails away from them. Since you put so much effort into creating your Campaigns, the ideal is that your emails will eventually be seen by your Subscribers.

First of all, make sure that the From address you use has its own domain . This is taken into account by mail agents when filtering.

It is also essential that you send your emails through platforms that have a good reputation, Doppler is one of them.

Keep your contacts informed

Don’t focus your Newsletters on sales, but rather on building loyalty and informing . Focus on generating content that helps you build long-term relationships and increase the Open Rate of your emails.

Make sure your messages are valuable and relevant to your users, so they will sh turkey data are them on social media and you will reach all their contacts. A great alternative is to tell emotional stories related to your business or provide customer testimonials .

Offer information that is valuable to your Subscribers , such as industry news, promotions, launches, new purchasing tools , etc. In this way, you will gradually nurture them until they become loyal followers of your brand.

Arrives at the right time


Access detailed data and metrics that will allow you to know  keep your audience engage and informe which days  . A of the week and times of day your transaction volume is at its highest . Follow this pattern and send your emails when your contacts are most likely to receive them.

Use a clear CTA


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