Stage Two: Emotional Detachment Sometimes a person who used to be the life and soul of the party suddenly starts to distance himself from the team and ignores corporate life. For example, he no longer drinks coffee with everyone at lunch and does not participate in Friday get-togethers. Or when asked whether he wants to chat after work, he constantly refuses or avoids answering. If informal communication with colleagues becomes significantly less, then this is a very alarming bell.
Of course, a person may have personal reasons
That are not related to work. But it is better to play it safe in advance netherlands phone number library and talk to the employee. What to do. If the employee is only thinking about leaving the company, you can still regain his interest. For example, offer him to lead a new direction and reduce the number of routine tasks. Be sure to discuss the prospects for career growth and development. If the problem is not in the work, but in personal motives, then just let the situation go.
Finding a New Job At some point
A person starts actively looking for a new job. He may regularly disappear for 2-3 hours during working hours “for personal reasons” or spend a lot of time on Linkedin. The HR department may notice that the employee has updated his resume and re-published it on popular resources. If a person is dishonest, he may start copying work materials from i want to do, and not what the server or, for example, dress carelessly.
What to do. If it comes to finding a new place
Then the time for maneuver is limited. To keep a valuable employee malaysia data you need to immediately schedule and hold a meeting to discuss his problems and wishes. Prepare a counteroffer in advance with a clear description of the career path within the company. It should include a new salary level and other personal benefits. you already know this person well. Therefore, offer something that is valuable to him. For example, the use of a company car. The employee may either agree or refuse. The main thing is to prepare in advance and have in stock as many arguments in favor of your proposal as possible. This will increase the chances of success.