Home » When you type a domain name into the address bar

When you type a domain name into the address bar

Your browser recognizes the IP address of the server you want to send, and asks it to send you those files. Now comes the most interesting part. How does your gadget know the numbers of all the web servers that serve the resources you visit? The answer is simple it doesn’t know. It only ne s to know the domain. But what is it and why is it ne if devices use digital identifiers to communicate? From this point of view, a website domain is a human-readable designation of an IP address.

You would hardly be able to remember

A chaotic numerical sequence for each website you visit , would you? This task is beyond people. And given the number of existing web gambling data japan resources, it is beyond a machine’s capabilities. But a distribut network of machines can do it. That is why the Domain Name System (DNS) was invent . Its essence lies in storing information about the correspondence between domains and IP addresses, as well as providing this information upon user request (including yours.

special data

DNS servers translate the request from human language into machine language

It works like a phone book, where the domain is the name of the site, and the IP address is the number of the device that services it. Thus, domain a new feature to adapt and comply names make it easier to remember a website address. At the same time, the IP address can change (for example, when changing hosting), but the domain always remains the same.

Note also that domains are us not only

For web resources, but also for setting up mail. What is a domain (domain name). Image by storyset on Freepik. Domain Name Structure powder data Like an IP address, a domain name consists of several parts separat by dots. They are call levels. The domain structure is hierarchical, that is, one component is includ in another, that one is includ in a third, and so on. Let’s look at an example.

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