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Creation for the web

The Internet is today an essential commercial tool for any company that wishes to make itself known , develop its activity , and build customer loyalty .
The world of the web is constantly evolving, websites are constantly innovating to meet the expectations and requirements of search engines and their users.

Searching for information

Finding a solution to a problem or even buying on the internet has become the first reflex of Internet users.
From a startup with 2 partners to a company employing 30 people and serving more than 800,000 customers each year, this is what happened in the space of 10 years to Greenweez, a French e-commerce company specializing in ecological products. With a high-performance website very well positioned on search engines. Satisfied customers and a blog that has become a real gold mine of information on ecology, Greenweez is now developing its activity abroad.

This story is not an isolated case and it is entirely possible for you to achieve your goals. By knowing how to wisely use the many resources that the Internet has to offer!

The specificities of the internet world
In 15 years, the Internet has enabled the creation of more than 700,000 jobs in France. New professions have emerged, each with specialties that. When combined, give rise to a website, an online store, a blog, social networks, etc. A real team effort of developers, designers, SEO specialists, administrators, web editors, etc. without china phone number library whom the Internet would not exist.

Creating a website meets many requirements from search engines. You should know that the tree structure. Design and content of a site directly impact its SEO. As with creating your business, your website must be thought out in advance. Because being well positioned on Google means being visible and therefore giving yourself a chance to make yourself known!

Remember that your website reflects your image. Your values, the Internet user is sensitive to this.

Calling on the expertise of web professionals to create your website is a good investment for anyone wishing to gain visibility and guarantee the success of their business development project.

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Web writing at the service of the internet

Writing for the web is the purpose of a beautiful website project. Whatever the type of website – showcase, e-commerce, institutional. Blog – the keep your audience engage and informe objective is twofold: to make yourself known by being well positioned in search results. To generate qualified traffic by capturing the interest of the Internet user.

A website is first and foremost consulted for its ba leads content . Reading must be easy. Effective and the writing style must correspond to the information sought.

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