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Not getting responses to your cold emails

Spending hours on cold outreach, but not getting any promising responses from your prospects?

Don’t panic, you’re not alone.

90% of people who send cold emails don’t have

the right approach, hence, they end up take email marketing service spamming their prospects, or worse… stop using cold emails for their business.

During the last 3.5 years, we analyzed thousands of cold emails to understand what’s the best way of doing outreach and what are the most common mistakes to avoid.

1. You’re reaching out to the wrong people


take email marketing service

If you reach out to the wrong people (or the right people at th

Here’s a 3-step process that will help you target the right audience at the right time, and increase your reply chances:

Step 1: Define your Buyer persona

A buyer persona is a detailed description of someone who represents your target audience.

Even though it’s fictional, it’s based on deep research and can help you boost outreach personalization which will help you book meetings.

The goal of a buyer persona is to be able to clearly understand who your target is and what their challenges are so you can offer them the right solution.

Once you have a solution to their specific pain point, it’s much easier to build a relationship, and eventually, sell your product or service.

So, how do you create your buyer persona?

It takes you a few seconds to download this free buyer persona template we created for you, and a few minutes to go through our ultimate How to define your target audience .


Step 3: Pay attention to their buyer signals

In cold outreach, it’s not just enough to know your buyer persona characteristics.


Well, you might have a great list of promising prospects, but if you reach out to them at the wrong time, you still won’t get any results.

That’s why it’s important to pay attention to buyer signals.

A buyer signal is a sign that a prospect can be an ideal fit because they’re in a stage where it makes sense for them when too much depends on the presentation to buy your product/service. The secret is to reach out to leads you know are currently facing the pain you solve.

And to identify their pain, we prepared these 25 buyer signal tactics to help you stay relevant and figure out the perfect moment to reach out.

2. Your intro line is not personalized

If you want your prospects to meet you, you should catch their attention and create a connection right from the start.

So, how do you do that?

Through icebreakers!

In short, an icebreaker is the first sentence of your email. The sentence that your prospects read first and the sentence that can make your email stand out from everyone else’s.

The goal of an icebreaker is to let your gambler data prospects know that you took the time to do your research and create something personalized just for them.

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