If you provide any service, you take customer interaction very seriouslyLive ChatBeyond that, however, you want to understand the customer experience because it helps you refine your strategy to continually deliver value.
But you need to have actionable insights to do this properly. The question is, how do you get those? That’s whereLive ChatIndicators enter the equation.
The idea is to use them as performance whatsapp blasting indicators, adjust when necessary, and keep doing what you do well.
Importance of Tracking Live Chat Metrics
In any business, there are a series of numbers that help you understand the situation you are in. This doesn’t necessarily involve an accounting perspective, as other basic data relates to other areas, such as customer retention rates, which may translate into the type of revenue the business can earn.
Many of these metrics fall under the umbrella of customer engagement, and determining how to measure this is key to top-notch customer service.
Your underlying product or service is only one part of the equation. Another key piece of the puzzle is what the interaction with your customers looks like.
Think of it this way, for example, a restaurant can have the best menu prepared by the best chef in the world. However, if the waiter is rude and inattentive, even the hungriest potential customer may go elsewhere because they would rather feel valued.
Here are some metrics you should pay attention to when implementing live chat on your website.
Key Metrics to Track for Live Chat
1. Chat volume
As the name suggests, this simply refers to the number of chats that filter in. This is a metric that is usually measured over a set time frame. For example, you can look at the same day, week, month, or more.
Note that it’s not just about the number of chats handled. If chats are missed for any reason, including customers being unable to cope with the wait time, these are still taken into account.
But be aware that this isn’t a good metric to track live chat success or failure on its own. You have to consider it alongside other data points to get a complete picture.
2. Number of daily chats
This was briefly touched on above. Perhaps you have a system that provides summary totals, but you want to see things in a more granular way.
Here, you can use the Daily Chat Volume metric to understand how many conversations your team handles each day during the work week..
Missed Chats
It’s no secret that customer service teams dance in cagliari: the new website about dance can’t reach every customer who reaches out. If possible, the actions taken in terms of engagement have to be so low compared to the number of representatives that nothing is missed.
Of course, this isn’t optimal because it means customers won’t engage with your product or service as they’d like.
As the name implies, missed chats are chats that your team was unable to engage in. You need to understand that there could be a variety of reasons for this. And your strategy for keeping the numbers low needs to take these into account.
For example, you might find that many missed chats occur because. Customers navigate away from the page before a representative accepts their chat request.
Waiting time
This is also pretty self-explanatory. It takes into account the amount of time a page visitor waits before a customer service representative interacts with that person.
There are two advantages to measuring this customer service KPI. First, it explains how well your team handles traffic.
Next, many businesses use this metric to let customers know how long they might have to wait for a representative to contact them.
Response time
This is sometimes confused with the wait powder data time metric. The best way to look at it is that wait time is based on initial response time. In other words, after a customer initiates a request via live chat, how long does it take for a representative to accept the request and send the first message?