More and more information is stor electronically. Companies and government organizations are switching to electronic document management, social networks are collecting detail information about their users, CRM systems are recording information about interactions with each client – data from these and many other areas is of high value and must be constantly available. Powerful and reliable computers – servers – are us to store and quickly transfer them to users.
However, even the most productive machine
Will not be able to work without interruptions if the appropriate conditions. Have not been creat for this. This task is solv by data processing centers. We will tell you about what a data center is, their purpose, types and advantages in the article. What is female number data a data processing center (DPC). Image by on Freepik. Data center: what is it in simple words A data center (DPC) is a building or room that provides optimal conditions for hosting and maintaining round-the-clock operation of servers.
When entering one of the server rooms
You can see cabinets with a large number of computers without. Monitors (they are controll remotely using software), cables and network keyword clustering in equipment. Such a room is not just well ventilat and under video surveillance, the DPC is built and equipp taking into account a number of regulations and requirements. The higher the level of standards according to which the data center is design , the higher the level of its reliability.
A room cannot be call a server room
If it is built without taking into account specific recommendations: maintaining. Excess air pressure; providing backup power supply; the powder data presence. Of modern monitoring systems – temperature, humidity, water leak sensors and many others; security system and so on. What is a data center for? The purpose of data centers is to store and process a large array of information that is critically important for the customer, and to provide round-the-clock access to this data.